Friday, February 19, 2016

What ruining your weight loss?

weight loss,diet plan, lose weight, Diet and Weight-Loss

You use a healthy diet, and the effects are not seen. It is even worse before the summer: it seems that the weight loss slowed down completely.

Fortunately, you can take control. Just get rid of some treacherous habits and eliminate from your diet several unhealthy products.

Some of the today's advice can you seem surprising, but worth giving them a chance.

What can you do to speed up weight loss?

If you want to lose weight, stop eating with your hands

New research suggests that people who eat with chopsticks, eat an average of 30% less than those who eat the large spoon or use their hands. Buying small cutlery can be a good investment. Similarly, the skill of eating with chopsticks.

Do not drink up the extra calories

Most of us, calculating the amount eaten daily calories does not take into account those that we drink. The greatest danger turn out to be fruit juices, which we think are healthy, so we can drink with impunity but it is not. Juices have a lot of sugar, and vitamins contained in them are not always able to repay us a number of calories consumed.

Even worse is the aerated drinks - not only contain valuable nutrients, but they are the true enemy of the beautiful figure.

The perfect solution is a complete replacement mineral water or diluting them

Probably you often eat fruit yoghurts

Of course there are delicious, unfortunately, most of them are sweetened with fructose.

Recent research shows that fructose "cheating" the brain and will not let him in the right way to feel satiety. Consequently, we eat more than we should. If your weight loss is to be effective, substitute for natural yoghurt.

Partying ruining your weight loss

If we talk about calories in juices and sweet carbonated water, we can not forget about alcoholic beverages. During the events, select a large drink to 200 kcal and sipping it the whole evening. When you are done drink, flip on the water.

Overreacting during breakfast

Breakfast is the basis for healthy weight loss, but it should not be too caloric and too generous. Research shows that eating too much breakfast contributes frequently to overeat during the day.

Another issue is the breakfast cereal. Avoid artificially sweetened with caloric additives. Control portion size too.

Too often you allow yourself for calorie dishes

Slice of pizza, cake and even a hamburger never did anyone any harm. Provided, that, in fact, we are talking about a piece, not the whole batch.

The problem is that often such dishes we reach not because we are hungry, but with greed and eat them for pleasure. Meanwhile, recent studies have shown that a few bites are able to make us as much pleasure as the entire portion.

Therefore, when you overlap a desire to eat Try to eat slowly and only a few bites.

How diet drinks affecting  for weight loss

About how Diet Coke and its counterparts affect the level of sugar in the body we said earlier. It should be recalled that, if something has zero or half the calories, it does not mean that it is good for us. Contrary.

About aspartame and other sweeteners go ceaseless discussion and despite the fact that most European countries have recognized them as harmless, full of confidence we will not have for a long time. But their harmfulness is one thing. Another issue is how to actually affect the body during weight loss.

It turns out that not only deceive the brain, prompting him that he did not get sugar, but also strongly increase the level of sugar in the body - similar to sweetened drinks in the traditional way. The result is that the level of insulin in the body begins to rage, and we quickly reach for something sweet and calories.

In addition, this type of drinks temporarily inhibits the feeling of hunger. Consequently, when they finally come to the meal, usually we eat a lot more than we should.

Unfortunately, most drinks light sometimes highly addictive but trust me it really worth swap them for mineral water.

What impact has the frequent eating out for weight loss?

First, eating meals prepared by someone else you never know what you really eat. You have no idea of ​​the calorific value, although most of the junk food begin to be given to public information. But when it comes to fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins - it will always be a mystery. Similarly with freshness and origin intermediates.

But the greatest threat to weight loss is portion size that you order in a fast food and restaurants.

Even when you are buying a small or normal portion, usually you get much more than you should eat in a single meal. The worst situation is in the case of fast food, where to calorie intake remained under control, you should reach only the portions for children.

Therefore, if you eat outside the home, remember that you ordered the dose is too high, regardless of how it was called.
Do not suggest subtitled. The only thing you can afford without limitation to salads without sauces. Sauces also should eat in moderation.

Sitting until late and lack of sleep what Affects for weight loss.

Research confirms that people who go to bed late and not enough sleep, often overeat during the day. For this, they often feel like greasy and sweet products.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight faster, sleep enough. 7 hours is the absolute minimum.

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