Friday, February 19, 2016

How to organize lose weight to be effective.

Weight Loss,lose weight,losing weight,Weight Loss Motivation

Today I will try to give you some hints how to organize during weight loss.

A typical scenario.

I decided to finally take care of itself. Yes, definitely, it's time to lose weight. We begin to lose weight! I have really good intentions. I'm beginning full of energy and enthusiasm. Suddenly, for some unknown reason, they act all rights, Murphy. Yes, all at once.

On the way to the club, I realize that I forgot shoes. Or your gym shorts.
With planned, healthy breakfast threads, because suddenly overslept. I was planning a healthy lunch but nothing that will not, because half of the ingredients that I wanted to buy on the way from work have not received.
And now the question: is it really fate that does not want me lost weight, so I was healthy, fit, beautiful and happy, or maybe it is the right approach and organization?

Motivation for weight loss

There is no secret: weight loss requires motivation, determination, and a large dose of willpower. Only thanks to them, beaten habits can be changed. And no one says that it is simple - habits regarding diet and physical activity often we record for many years.

Fortunately, everything is possible. And you do not have to take a few days off to plan strategies for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Everything can be achieved by the method of small steps. Besides, you should:

arrange a time
organize and environment
organize thoughts.
and I do not have to be difficult.

Weight loss and the organization of time

Surely you know more about time management than you think. Especially if you work, you learn to take care of her husband, children and even meet with friends. Let's use this ability for a lifestyle change!

Plan your workout like any other meeting. Regardless of whether you go to a club, if you practice at home. Determine that such and such day, at this hour, and at this time for gymnastics. If you must drive, consider the travel time and type it into the calendar or notepad - together with other plans. Everything will be easier if you go out with a friend. The condition, however, is that should motivate each other.

Once a week, plan a menu, shopping list, the budget for food and time to prepare meals. With such a list not only you save a lot of money, but also will have the confidence that you eat healthily. Determine exactly when you eat and how much time you have to prepare the dishes, then Adjust menu plan and shopping. Stay flexible but within reason.

Plan all the snacks. Once a week, buy a pack of nuts, almonds, dried cranberries, and other delicacies. Mix and share them so that you have them on hand every day when hunger attack. Similarly with fruit. Plan your fruit and vegetable snacks each day and 2/3 times a week, supplementary supplies.

Organize your evening rituals so that you do not overeat in the evening. Make sure the correct dose of sleep.

Save all. By saving the provisions and guidelines of the plan, you will be much easier to stick to it.


The better you organize your space, it will be less stressful everyday life, and weight loss - easier and more enjoyable.

Interesting fact: when we talked about this during one of the training courses, conducting asked us to describe the typical fat man's apartment, which is unable to cope with the introduction of changes. Then, by contrast, has asked us to describe the apartment lean and physically active women. The results were really interesting. Apart from the appearance and contents of the refrigerator, we imagined a different type of furniture, as well as the size and setting of the TV. Of course, these are the ONLY stereotypes ... or maybe not?

Recently, I wrote about the studies that have shown that clutter sabotages weight loss. It may therefore actually, order,  and organization in the home fosters a beautiful silhouette?

Organize kitchen. Take care not only about the contents of the refrigerator and basket of fruit, but a cabinet with spices and utensils that will facilitate a healthy and fast cooking. It is a fantastic investment pot for steaming and electric grill, and a blender with glass jug for the preparation of cocktails and creamy soups.

Get rid of the junk food from the house. It is worth taking it one day and do general cleanup in the refrigerator and cabinets. Food that does not fit your new lifestyle, you can give the needy. It should clearly inform the family about the changes carried out - will not do anything that gets rid of the junk food out of the freezer, if your floor the next day to fill the free space boxes of frozen pizza.

Check the condition of cooking utensils. Consider which are really necessary and useful, the rest (for example, deep fryer) try to sell.

Arrange cupboards and drawers with spices. If you are full of bouillon cubes, magic mixes type fix for the preparation of ready-made, not necessarily healthy dishes, you should think about replacing their natural, healthy and low-calorie counterparts. Especially those that support weight loss (cinnamon, red pepper, turmeric, etc.).

Organize gear for exercise. I'm not talking about arranging salle gym in a cramped flat. If you exercise at home, make sure that the blanket, yoga mat, weights were always at hand. If you exercise at the club, keep your bag with a clear set of exercise at the ready, you do not have to look for her in panic before leaving home.

Take care of the calm and relaxing atmosphere. Everything has a meaning. Colors, light, smell. The fact that scents can help slimming also wrote recently. Fragrance candle or fireplace essential not nadszarpną your budget, and can work wonders when it comes to relaxation and quieting the mind. Speaking of the mind in question:

Weight loss and the organization of the mind

Make a decision and designate the target (not just a dream), for example, you want to lose weight, be physically active and efficient. Save it. Be well, why do you want to do this and how to change your life, when you reach it. Then, each day comes back to him and writes ideas that make his achievement will be easier and faster. You enter the mind in the right state, and no other motivation will no longer be needed.

You silence the negative voice in your head. Just now on you will be the least needed. Try to talk to each other positive and encouraging, although it may at this bizarre issue (especially if you're used to criticizing in thought). The truth is that you can lose weight, you can be healthy and you can be efficient. Regardless of what they powtarzałaś years.

Master the stress. Its impact on weight loss was already much written. It is the enemy of weight loss and health.

Start eating consciously. I think every time you reach for food. First, think about it, why still more emotional gluttony is a problem that can be dealt with. Secondly, think about what you eat. How does this affect your body? What good you provide? How did you feel after that?

The beginnings of an adventure with the organization of a new lifestyle can be a challenge, and may require a lot of time. Be patient and consistent. Do not be discouraged by failures, they happen to everyone. If you need assistance, do not hesitate to write here or visit slimmer on Facebook. And remember that weight loss is primarily a state of mind. A healthy weight loss is a matter of healthy thinking and healthy approach.

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