Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Healthy weight loss for beginners: what you should know?

Healthy weight loss,weight loss,losing weight,weight loss plan

Today I will focus on how to start a weight loss :

healthy (only, in this case, reach the desired goal and many other benefits - without compromising health)

relatively easy (this will allow you to persevere in the provisions and stay motivated)

and effective (not only help you achieve the desired goal but also to maintain the effects.

Of course, presented tips may be useful also to those that have a knowledge of weight loss

Why and when weight loss is important?

Losing weight is very important, especially when your weight:

negative impact on your health,
negatively affect your overall quality of life,
lowers your self-esteem,
contributes to a depression,
reduces your physical fitness.

> Achieving a healthy weight can improve the quality of life on many fronts. Usually also, it combined with a much better well-being, increased energy, strength and resistance to disease.

How to start a healthy weight loss?

First of all, regardless of your age, you should always consult your doctor before you start losing weight. It is not enough that you choose the most popular diet lost weight thanks to which your friends.

If you want to lose weight healthily, you should do a thorough analysis of the initial state: if you are overweight? What is your cholesterol and blood sugar? What you should eat and what to avoid? Which diet a doctor recommend for you? Do you have the appropriate level of hormones?

Cost: zero, or paid research.
You can also, although this is not mandatory, consult a nutritionist. But before you go out for a visit, for which you usually come pretty much to pay, check references and opinions. In my experience (unfortunately) that although the market running many great specialists also very easy to hit the person incompetent.

Questions you should ask yourself before starting

Achieving any goal requires motivation, determination, and adequate preparation. Therefore, before you become to fight the unnecessary pounds, ask yourself (honestly!) To the following questions:

Why do you want to lose weight?
Are you really should lose weight? (Here it comes to medical issues!) Perhaps more important in your case, it is appropriate to strengthen and sculpt your body?
Can you count on the support of family, friends, beloved?
What mistakes and what contributed most to your overweight or obesity?
What do you eat?
How do you eat?
How large are your portions?
How big should it be?
What is your emotional attitude to eating?
How frequently you prepare meals?
Where do you eat most often and at what time?
How much time do you spend on physical activity? Whether it is a workout which helps weight loss?

Do not set goals that you surpass

Instead, I want to lose weight 20kg, tell yourself better: I want to lose weight 2-3 kg over so many and so many weeks. With lesser goals more quickly achieve success and your motivation will grow at a tremendous rate.

Meet the philosophy of weight loss

Regardless of diet, getting rid of one kilogram of fat requires burning about 7,000 calories. You can eliminate them from your diet (easy solution) or sweat during exercise (difficult, but generally healthier in the long run, more motivating solution).
The choice of diet is very important. Do you actually need to use slimming diet? And it may be better to start gradually introduce healthy habits, healthier cooking and reduce the portion size?
At the beginning of weight loss, think about how you will deal with attacks emotional binge eating and stress.
Accept that certain thing they're hatched. For example, the construction of your body. You can carve, you can make it more proportionate, but if your genes make you fat faster build up in certain areas of the body, accept that this is your nature. If your lifestyle or health condition restricts certain choices, try to modify and customize your experience.
Do not control-obsessed with weight. Body weight changes from day to day. Do not you dare every day? Use rather centimeter measure to save the results and observe changes in their well-being and appearance. If you want to weigh, do it once a week.
From time to time want to do a photo to compare results. This is a great motivation!
Do not go overboard with supplements and leave all the magic pill. Waste of money.

And finally, remember that:

weight loss is not easy, especially at the beginning. It requires tremendous self-discipline, motivation, and awareness. However, if you take him out of his head, you can achieve amazing effects that will affect not only your appearance but also the well-being and approach to life.
if you need motivation, you can always bump into slimmer or write to me on the website or Facebook page. Do not stay alone while losing weight!

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