Monday, February 22, 2016

Top 20 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight

Top 20 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight,weight loss,can't  lose weight

I think every woman in the world, or, at least, any that is trying to lose weight, knows what to do to make it succeed. Change eating habits and start moving.
Of course, a healthy diet is neither easy nor pleasant, especially if the years of junk food, you changed the taste. Or, if you learn to deal with emotions with the help of calorie treats.
With the movement, it is even worse. After all tired after work, after playing with the children, after school, after all, what you have in mind, the only movement for which you have the strength, the channel switching the TV.
Now the brutal truth. There are among us very few exceptions, and most of us can achieve the perfect, graceful silhouette only by eating less and exercising more. And the biggest enemy is not the genes, family, impaired metabolism, the enormity of the obligations, or anything else will add to the list. Knowing you can not lose weight because you believed in your excuse to keep her.
Sometimes I think that if we were equally creative composing meals at inventing excuses in the world would not have been obese women.
Let's look at today's most popular causes, according to which we believe that we can not lose weight, then we will bring them out with a bang.
I divided them into 20 categories, a lot of reading, but I hope that as a lot of motivation!

1.I have obesity in the genes!

He told himself that for the first 20 years of life, practically until a friend from college invited me to dinner. In my house, the portions were always "right" and emptied plates to an end. And practically every fighting with unnecessary pounds. In her house, they were all thin, but the portion of rice accounted for only 1/3 of what nakładaliśmy me. When I looked at the microscopic roulade, at first, I thought it was an appetizer. Then it hit him: lean people eat less. Since childhood watching parents who eat less and have a different concept of portion sizes. This observation forever changed my way of eating.
The second issue is the issue of physical activity. There are families who spend most of their free time watching TV, there are those who ride bikes, skating, they go for walks, sailing.
I'm not saying that genes have no effect on your metabolism, body structure, praise for sweets. I say, however, that does not condemn you to be overweight. Yes, if you have the predisposition to gain weight, you may be more difficult. Difficult does not mean impossible, and with a little willpower, you can beautifully and successfully lose weight.

2. I can not afford a gym! I can not afford a personal trainer! I can not afford fitness equipment!

This is one of the most used by our excuses. I understand it perfectly but do not take her seriously.
First, you do not need a lift pass to the gym to lose weight. A personal trainer or do not need, but it would certainly be easier for you. Not only that, the equipment or not you need it, especially in the early stages of weight loss.
Second: be creative. The network has plenty of free exercise sets and videos, through which thousands of women lose weight. Just a moment to find them. Over the last year, hundreds of girls lost weight and body carved with free workouts.
On Youtube, you will certainly find something tailored to your level and interests, from yoga and Pilates, after an intense workout Tabata.
With fitness equipment, it is even simpler. Instead of weights, you can use cans of food or bottles of water. Instead, belts stretch, plain, wide belt, for example, robe. A treadmill can replace running in the park.
Of course, a good quality fitness equipment can be very helpful. His absence is not the reason you gave up your weight loss.

3. I'm too busy!

Deadlines at work chasing. Children need to be taken to the doctor. Husband just a serious case (again!). Before you family meeting. A friend has to spill the beans. And how can you find time for a trip to the central square and cooking a healthy dinner? Hardly you have found a moment to order something on the go!
That's no excuse.
Even if your life makes at a rate of 100 km per minute, you can still eat healthily and take care of yourself.
There are many simple strategies that you can use.
Set the alarm half an hour earlier and just out of bed lie on the floor to exercise the abdomen and buttocks, or make 10 times greeting the sun.
During the day, set the alarm on your phone so that it reminded you of a regular food - thus, avoid overeating later.
Always hold the concrete, healthy products in the refrigerator, frozen vegetables in the freezer, fresh fruit on hand.
Do not buy calorie products. This is the simplest, most banal and the time one of the most effective tips. If you do not buy chocolate, you do not eat. And do not let anyone tell you that your house must always be something sweet. All members of the household shall be health to reaching for fruit in a moment of weakness.
Learn the art of planning. Preparing a healthy meal in their free time and throwing it into the freezer increases the chances that you eat healthy at the moment when you run out of time. A good book on time management will help you better manage bid minute.
Remember that we all have 24 hours a day to use. Most of us learn, work, meet with friends, take care of the family.
Make an absolute priority of the exercises. And if you feel pangs of conscience, repeat to yourself that you are doing this just for your loved ones - through the exercises you healthier, happier, and, by the way, you will also be a better role model for children and friends.
Please note that most of the things that you do during the day, you can combine in such a way that they come out on the drow everyone involved: instead of watching the movie with children, you can take them on ower, with a friend you can go to Zumba or work out at home, family you can invite to walk together.
In planning well, it helps keep a diary - not only can quickly thanks to him tell what he steals most of your time, but also to organize it better and be more consistent.
Remember, 15 minutes of exercise a day is more than nothing. And that's enough, you already after a few weeks she noticed the first effects.

4. Eating healthy is too expensive!

It is true. Just compare the price of plain eggs and eggs from the organic farm. The numbers are on your side. Common sense and nature on the side of your health.
Even easier to buy a cheeseburger at McDonald's than a salad with fresh vegetables. But if you get a good look, carrots and lettuce they are not that expensive and if you plan your meal well, will be on no place in your budget.
Not only that, healthy, organic food, just like eggs with organic farming, whole grain products, makrobiotyczne- have far more nutrients, making you feel satiety, eating less.
Additionally, if your budget is really limited, you can:
Buy frozen vegetables and fruits, and add them to your meals regularly.
Limit consumption of meat to beans and lentils or fish.
In the season when vegetables and fruits are cheaper, you can buy and freeze itself.
Give up spending money on all kinds of junk food: potato chips, ice cream, milk chocolate, candy, and cookies - saved money spend only on good quality, healthy food or dinner with a good restaurant, where you try new, healthy foods.

5. On a diet I'm always hungry!

If you're hungry on a diet probably is not a good diet. Especially in the long run.
Nourishing healthy, give up on calorie snacks, supplements, drinks - replacing them with healthy products but do not deny yourself food. You should not feel hungry - and your body should not adjust the mode of fasting - only then release the metabolism.
Fill the fridge with fruit, vegetables, yogurt, and cabinet brown rice, lentils, beans, groats - so you'll never be hungry, and the weight loss will not be a torment.

6. I can not find the time!

Time will never find. The time you need to create, you have to organize it so that he found himself. As I wrote above, management may want to learn, even from books or courses. The network has plenty of free material on the subject.
Get up earlier. And before you say that this niemożliwe- really are few women who like to leave a warm bed in the morning. Despite this, those who manage to have a beautiful body.
Give up something that takes too much time. How long is a show that you watch regularly? And before you deny that you need to relax, after all, think that training can be a great relaxation. How much time do you spend on Facebook, watching pictures leaner girlfriends? Do you think that they lose weight by checking your status?
What is important when you start to exercise, you will feel much better and you start addicted to exercise and healthy lifestyle, and to organize the day so you have a moment to enter your workout habit.
If in turn, say that you do not have time to cook, you should think twice.
20 minutes devoted to preparing a meal will save you a lot of calories, which then you'd have to burn during exercise and - ważniejsze- later visits to doctors. Besides, both in bookstores and on the network can find a lot of recipes for fast, low-calorie and healthy dishes.

7. I have a bad back! Or I'm too old! Or I'm too fat!

This is my absolute favorite. As a yoga teacher, and before that the average obese person of respectability damaged spine, the same for several years I told myself that excuse. And in my own body, I found out that by changing lifestyle can not only quickly and effectively lose weight but recover.
If you also suffer from pain or spinal injury, consult a doctor and then look for a good yoga teacher, sign up for Pilates classes, go to the pool.
Many people coming to my classes because of back pain and drętwiejących legs, suffering from a serious abdominal obesity. Mostly just to lose weight a little bit, and strengthen the muscles that back problems have disappeared.
With age, it is even more interesting. I ran once yoga classes for the group, where the average age was about 70 years. The participants were incredibly engaged and quickly achieved spectacular results, but little that was in good shape before the course starts. You can. But remember to always consult a doctor.
It is true that with age you become thicker. The fact that the metabolism slows down, but with appropriate changes in your lifestyle, you can be slim, attractive old lady.
If you have a large overweight or obese you are, you will be more difficult, but nothing is impossible. Talk to your doctor and start slowly. First changes enter into your diet, then look for a mild form of movement, start to walk more.

8. The exercises are too hard and uncomfortable!

For that overweight and obesity are easy and fun. Wrapping up blankets on the beach and time spent on the search for costume that hides cellulite is also a cool thing. And already the easiest way to spend time in the company lean, healthy colleagues.
And now a fact: no one is easy. Maybe outside the selected number of women who won the genetic lottery and a small group of people for whom a healthy lifestyle is quite natural-all must strive.
Exercise need not be at all difficult to be effective. Of course, if you want to achieve quick results, you need to choose the harder workouts. However, if you give yourself more time, an example of half a year - you can start milder and increase the intensity in the context of improving the toughness.
A simple exercise is better than no exercise. And what ważniejsze- every day is easier.

9. Because I love to eat !!!

Me too. That's why I eat 5 times a day.
If you want to lose weight effectively, you need to eat. Not only that, you can eat your favorite products- as long as you combine them well and remember to control portion.

10. And so, always getting to me yo-yo effect!

If losing weight once again, you might be discouraged from the very start. If your previous diet did not work out, it probably means that it was not a diet, during which wyrobiłaś healthy habits and that can continue for a lifetime.
Makes only changes, which you can persevere. Sit down and surrender your diet sound analysis. What can not deny myself? What can you set aside? Only when you answer these questions, you start to compose meals. I for one would not be able to persevere on the Dukan diet because eating meat I have to really force. My husband would never have stood in turn to a vegetarian diet because he loves meat. If we wanted to lose weight in spite of herself, we would be condemned immediately to the yo-yo effect.
If you are eating what you love, in smaller portions with water, cut off about 200 calories a day - quickly and painlessly lose weight.
Remember, weight loss is not a one-time adventure. Think positive and be consistent.

11. I do not know where to start!

First, talk with your doctor.
Then start from healthy shopping. About 10 years ago I read an article in which the heroine peered people for shopping carts in supermarkets, to see what they eat lean and obese. since then, it became also my favorite game. Try the same, and soon you'll find that weight loss begins with the decision of what you buy to eat.
Fill the fridge healthy products, ready meals with them and start to learn about healthy eating. Read books, articles, community, forums, groups, if your budget allows it, see a nutritionist (check out his earlier references).
Read the labels of products you buy.
Healthy eating does not have to be difficult.
You can also start by reducing portion sizes - that always works!

12. I lack willpower! I'm too tired!

It is now a curiosity. The strong weight loss will not matter much. It's more about keeping your promises to yourself are applying.
With exercise and a healthy diet, you'll have more energy. You'll sleep better. You'll be better coped with stress. Just start, and when you've finished today's workout, promise yourself that tomorrow try again. And keep your word. And so a week. After a week, when you see first, amazing effects, suddenly find themselves in a strong will.

13. My relatives do not support me! Nobody wants to help me!

Hardly anyone has the support of the family. Grandmothers tell us that we are too skinny, that dear corpus can never have too many. Husbands and boyfriends who have a much better metabolism, zażerają to unhealthy products, amazed that we want to lose weight, because "after all is ok." With friends, it is much different. If they are thin, they will motivate you. If thicker - do not count on their support, except that they also dream of leaner silhouettes.
If you are looking for real's support, go to the club. Girls who come there, have a common goal.
Look for group-oriented weight loss, for example, on facebook. Join the club Anonymous fat people in your region.
Besides, do not confuse it with the support of weight loss. You do not need others to lose weight. Of course, it is easier. But this is your adventure. On the other, it can be more fun and more fun, but without them, it can survive it.

14. I suffer! Or I have hormonal problems!

It's amazing how many women blamed hormones blame for being overweight, having no grounds to do so. Because she went through hormone therapy, I know what it is doing with ciałem- as swollen and unhappy you feel as though your workout, weight seems to be in place, and the only thing you want is Nutella.
How to deal with it?
Firstly, if you actually take medication, after which you gain weight, aware of this issue and recognize that it will be harder now. But this is not a judgment. Practice a lot, eat healthy, no matter how difficult it seems. Most hormonal therapy does not last forever and with appropriate lifestyle, you can lose weight very quickly after the discontinuation of medication.
If you think you have thyroid problems, go to endocrinology. Three of my close friends a long time to explain to their weight problems hypothyroidism, which have diagnosed yourself by reading the signs of the network. Doctors led them to the error, and then rewrote their diet and exercise.
If you are sick, your doctor will help you choose a diet and treatment. If you are not, you have no right to use this excuse.

15. I have an injury!

Your body is much stronger than you think. If your doctor or physiotherapist do not mind, you can start practicing. Choose a program that will not only help you lose weight but also, support the treatment of injuries.
For this, practice cleverly. Are you having trouble with your legs? Exercise your upper body. Injury hand? Practice belly and legs.
Almost every person on the 30-something passed some injury. Some allow they is limited, the other people to motivate them. Choose the same group in which you are.

16. I hate to exercise!

I understand you perfectly. I know it does not sound credible on the part of instructors of yoga, Zumba, dance and fitness trainers. But really, for the first 15 to 18 years of age do not unieszczęśliwiało me more than the movement. Before each sports class  was receiving a high fever. I hated team games. When I signed up for aerobics, I persevered 2 weeks - I could not stand screaming at me trainers.
And then there was an accident and the discovery yoga
- no one shouted no one was driving, I could not rebel, but it was not easy. And then Zumba - where everyone dances as knows, no one does not criticize, we all play. I fell in love with movement.
To love movement, you should accept certain facts:
If you do not like to practice with the people, do not force yourself to activities in the group. You can practice at home and achieve spectacular results.
You should choose a time of day in which the best you practicing. All recommend morning, I prefer to exercise in the evening, but I know that often if I do not train immediately after waking up, in the evening I run out of strength. That's why I learned the first hour after waking up (often about 4 to 5 am), it's time for a session of yoga. Then everyone can appreciate my inner strength and peace of mind, and I know that the work I am able to relax and not get ready for training (although this option too often is fantastic!).
If you exercise you get bored, it means that you have not found the form of movement is appropriate for you or not properly modify the intensity.
Try to find a form of movement that makes you the most pleasure. If you hate biegać- try swimming, if you do not like the fitness group - select lonely yoga sessions. You will certainly find something for everyone, just a little look!

17. I'll start tomorrow!

Stay honest with yourself: you're not Scarlett O'Hara, but probably would like to look like the movie version. If you start practicing, do not wait until tomorrow to Monday, the first of January. Start now. Yes now. The best right now, before you leave leaner, open video training on the new tab and exercise for at least another 15 minutes.

18. I lack motivation!

I wonder who has it in abundance. The motivation you need to practice, you need to work on it, you have to fight for it. Some proven tips:
Write down your goals yourself. You need to have them in writing. They may be perfect dimensions, weights can be, it can be the size, you can distance that goes.
Look for support. Groups, forums, friend.
Spend time with people with similar goals. You get more.
Regularly measure progress. Nothing motivates like effects.

19. I move a lot of work!

And still you are overweight? So you do not move enough, or the time to look at your diet.
For this, think strength training, improve metabolism and help you lose weight faster.

20. And again my favorite: I have other, more important responsibilities: children, work, parents, which I have to take care of ...

Your greatest duty should be movement, priority - health. Especially if you have children-for them you should be healthy, strong and full of energy. Since you should learn a healthy life- style from an early age.
Change the order of priority and inform the board firmly environment.
Remind yourself that your goal is happiness and Health- you and your loved ones.
Keep to view your photo where you look good. If you do not have one, you keep your image the star that inspires you.
The other school, quite brutal motivation, recommends keeping in view images, which look fat and źle- you remember, you do not want. Although this method is not recommended by experts, for many women it proves to be effective, provided that you document the progress regularly.
Turn your family into a weight loss program. Practice with children, register them to the ballet, karate or other activities, and you use this time in the gym.

And why you can not lose weight?

If any of these excuses sound familiar to you, ask yourself, is it worth it to stick. With really few exceptions, each of us can lose weight, it is enough that it would take such a decision and will be consistent.

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