Sunday, February 21, 2016

Good sleep, good weight loss results.

Good sleep is a good weight loss resultsYou will never be truly healthy if you do not start a decent night's sleep. You can forget about the lean silhouette. Recent research confirms that people who sleep less weigh usually much more.

Lack of sleep not only impairs your metabolism and makes you more vulnerable to additional weight, but it also increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and other diseases.

If you have a problem with providing a recommended 8-9 hours of sleep, try it for a few days carefully observe your habits associated with sleep - take notes when you are the most sleepy, which hours to fall asleep quickly and when you have the biggest problem when he wakes, and what is cause awakenings, whether you dream or not is not about which hours you lie down, and you wake up in the days off from work.

In addition, try to record what you eat each day, what you drink and at what time you do it.

Do you play sports? What kind of? When? What medications you take during the day and at bedtime?

If you are still not able to see the cause of insomnia, talk to your doctor.

What if you can not sleep long enough during the working week? Should you "enough sleep in reserve" over the weekend?

This is not the best solution. It can make you feel more lethargic and sleepy - show a study conducted by the University of Houston's Texas.

Why is this happening?

Sleeping until noon on the weekend, when a week you get up very early, misleading biological clock in your brain, which makes he does not know, when you're in top form, and when you need the most energy - explains Dr. Michael Smolensky, author of The Body Clock Guide to better health (Clock of the body for better health).

A better strategy is to get up early in the morning and afternoon nap during the week - no longer than 20 minutes, no matter how difficult it may seem at the beginning (both fall asleep and wake up after 20 minutes). Longer naps interfere with the biological clock and disrupt his rhythm. If you need motivation, you think that has washed most creative of all time, including but not limited Salvador Dali and Albert Einstein regularly napping during the day.

In addition, remember that leaner women sleep usually much longer than their chubby friends - we have repeatedly been proved and discussed.

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