Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The main causes of acne

Generously cover the face of teenagers, but it can also occur in people of mature age. Sometimes they pass spontaneously, but in some cases leaves a permanent, unsightly traces. Find out what may be the cause of acne and choose the appropriate methods to combat it!

Bad work of the sebaceous glands
The task of the sebaceous glands is to protect skin and hair from the destructive effects of the external environment. For this purpose, they produce sebum, but if it produces too much of a lead-out wires sebum glands are clogged. This causes an interaction with sebum anaerobes, and its result on the skin appear blackheads, papules or purulent pimples. Inflammatory reactions may be caused by any other form of bacteria (streptococcus and staphylococcus) and fungi.

Changes and hormonal disorders
During adolescence experiencing a storm of hormones, which affects our appearance. Increasing the production of sex hormones not only changes the silhouette but also can cause unpleasant skin symptoms. Acne occurs under the influence of androgens (male hormones) which strongly affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Many young girls observed the appearance of acne eruptions shortly before menstruation, which is associated with a decrease in the level of progesterone and estrogen that occurs at this time.
Hormonal disorders can also be the cause of acne in mature age. There is a clear correlation between PCOS (polipcystycznych ovarian syndrome), and the appearance of acne lesions on the body, so if in addition to acne in women are menstrual irregularities it should go to an endocrinologist and gynecologist, who will task the tests.

Stress and acne
It has been shown that stress can also cause and worsen the symptoms of acne, because when experience it stimulates the nerve endings of the sebaceous glands to the excessive production of sebum. Similarly, affects glands elevated cortisol levels which occur in individuals living in stress.

Note on drugs
Acne lesions can appear as a result of the use of certain drugs. The most common are the occurrence of acne while taking birth control pills. Besides, often cause it: drugs cortisol, bromine compounds, lithium salts, iodine and a number of other substances.

Diet is important
Another factor that affects the appearance of acne is diet. It has been observed that the products of high glycemic index foods containing preservatives, artificial colors, and synthetic fragrances can cause acne. (For more on this, see the article "Diet and acne - 4 rules of healthy eating")

Acne "inherited" with the genes?
You can not "inherit" acne, but a tendency to over-activity of the sebaceous glands as much as possible anyway. Studies in families have demonstrated that nearly 50% of boys acne occurs when such a change had, at least, one parent. It was also observed that monozygotic twins acne lesions occur in the same time and with the same intensity. Severe forms of acne are observed in boys with a chromosomal abnormality (genotype XYY).

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