Depression - Introduction
Sadness, dejection are emotions experienced by each person several times during his life. Their appearance is not always associated with depression.
Recognize this disorder can be only when the states of depressed mood accompanied by other symptoms including further a sense of lack of energy, inability to experience the joy, the low score esteem and it lasts long enough, ie. more than 2 weeks.
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems in section F "Mental disorders and behavior," describes in detail qualitatively and quantitatively symptoms that are sufficient to diagnose depression.
In practice, the medical disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses. Epidemiological studies carried out throughout the world indicate that the lifetime suffers from depression approx. 17% of the general population. Among those presenting to a GP 12-25% suffer from depression, half of which meets the criteria for moderate or severe depression.
We also found that about half of patients treated for depression and general practitioners, this disease is never diagnosed.
Diagnosis should put the doctor because only he has the knowledge and experience to diagnose and assess the severity of particular symptoms.
Going to a psychiatrist does not need to have a referral from your family doctor. You can use the help of such a specialist outside their place of residence. It is only important that the doctor had signed an agreement with the appropriate health insurance.
Causes of depression
Depression at the molecular cause disruption of synaptic transmitters, especially serotonin, and norepinephrine.
Depression is more common in people predisposed, ie. Those who have a family history of this type of disorder. The closer the relationship, the greater the chance of exposure to disease. For the occurrence of depression can also contribute traits acquired in the family environment and the established personality traits.
It can occur at any age, but most people are exposed during menopause (andropause and meno) and the elderly.
Seasonal depression occurs in periods of summer and winter solstices when there is a faster change in length of the day.
Depression can occur as:
primary disease, associated with bipolar disorder or one,
occurring disorder secondary to physical illness or its treatment.
secondary to anxiety disorders and adaptation, and caused by chronic stress
Rarely qualify to occur in a particular case depression closely to one of the above. Eg. A person predisposed, in whom this disease suffer mother and brother, depression can appear after a traumatic event, eg. Release or change jobs.
Symptoms of depression
A person suffering from depression is sad, it is not able to muster the energy to act. And even if you can, it does it with great effort. Forced to everything. He can not concentrate on the activities undertaken, which causes frequent complaints of impaired memory. It gives a sense of low value, feels unnecessary. Black sees his future. Maybe blame for the failure of their own or people in the vicinity. In the deepest states of depressed mood may be even the appearance of thoughts and suicidal tendencies. In the most severe conditions may be delusional depression (not having the basics beliefs about sin and punishment), olfactory hallucinations (feeling "smell" of decay, death).
Malaise is, especially in the morning. In the afternoon, it may be slightly improved.
Often depression is disturbed sleep. The sick person wakes up early in the morning and can no longer sleep. Lack of appetite causes weight loss.
Masked depression is a condition in which the clinical picture is dominated by somatic symptoms.
The patient does not give depressed mood as the main action. Throws chest discomfort, disorders of the digestive system, headaches, back pain, menstrual disorders or insomnia. Usually conducted diagnosis does not confirm the background of somatic and attempts to treat the symptoms do not bring results. It is effective for antidepressant therapy.
Depression can occur as an episode and completed cure. It can also go in recurrent disorder with periodically recurring symptoms of the disease.
Why depression should be treated (or enlist the help of a psychiatrist)
Depression is a huge burden for the patient,
significantly reduces its ability to work and learn,
adversely affect the course of other diseases
there is a real risk of suicide
In the treatment of depression, it is applied biological therapy (mainly medicines) and psychological (psychotherapy).
The highest efficiency is achieved by using both methods simultaneously. Adjuvant treatment of depressive disorders is phototherapy.
Currently registered in Poland a few dozen antidepressants. They differ not only in chemical structure but also the profile and potency and safety of their use in a particular case.
The decision to use the measure may take only a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist. Specialists in this field have the most experience and expertise in the field of action of this class of drugs, or indications of possible interaction with other pharmaceuticals.
The effect of antidepressant drugs is usually visible after two, three or even four weeks of taking the full therapeutic dose. Until then, it may not be visible any improvement,
After improvement has to take it as directed by your doctor (usually at least 3-6 months)
The use of low-dose or irregular use of medication does not cure depression,
Excessive doses can be life threatening,
Antidepressants are not addictive,
Sedative-hypnotic drugs (benzodiazepines, for example. Relanium, lorafen) do not work antidepressant. They are used supportively. They give only symptomatic effect, reducing anxiety, feelings of tension and improve sleep. There may be chronic use. Regular use them for longer than 4-5 weeks can lead to addiction,
In the course of antidepressants may reduce the rate of reaction. Therefore, caution should be exercised when driving and operating the machines. Value discuss the problem of the doctor to determine the optimal dose distribution of the drug throughout the day.
Psychological help
Usually, the primary way to treat depression is drug therapy. However, the patient should obtain sufficient information about the disease, the applied treatment, prognosis and risk of the particular method of treatment. He has the right to, and should enforce them.
The nature and course of depression have been known since antiquity. It is a treatable condition, even if you feel a total lack of hope and a sense of futility continued existence.
Sometimes only the recovery takes a little more time. Treatment of depression can be compared to the healing of the fractured limb. The hand will not be operational immediately after the creation of plaster. Bone needs a few weeks to well healed and regained its original efficiency. At this time it is disabled, it can hurt, numb.
Similarly, in the depression. The effects of treatment do not come right away. You have to wait for. Sometimes even a few weeks. Sometimes you need to change to another drug, adding additional drugs or the use of supportive methods.
After the retreat of the disease returns to the state before the appearance of the first symptoms. It is possible to return to work or study. In some cases, the physician recommends the use of medications for a longer period of time. This is done to consolidate the resulting effect.
Psychotherapy of depression
In some cases, it is necessary to use a professional psychotherapy conducted by qualified specialists. There are several methods that can be used in the treatment of depression. The choice of method is detached, depending on the condition of the patient.
Dynamic Psychotherapy
The pursuit of disclosure causes conflict wewnÄ…trzpsychicznego and play how you contributed to the emergence of the disease.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Change in the pattern of thought processes especially in situations where the patient can not cope. It comes in addition to the correction of behavior in specific circumstances.
Additional comments to the family of a person suffering from depression:
the patient does not simulate is really sick,
You may not be able to perform part of their domestic responsibilities and professional
Do not criticize him for that, on the contrary, help,
the goal of treatment is the disappearance of the disease and the patient returns to the previous functioning,
Treatment requires the active participation of the patient and his consent,
However, in extreme situations (announcements, or suicide attempt) can diagnose and treat a patient without his consent (in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Mental Health)
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