Saturday, February 6, 2016

Simple weight loss tips

What is a simple weight loss?
Contrary to appearances, losing weight does not have to be an extremely complicated process.

Just remember a few  rules and simple weight loss becomes easy.

1.Designate a realistic goal.

If in a short time ... lose weight quickly in a short time quickly you get fat. Remember that rapid weight loss is neither healthy nor sustainable. Specialists say that the correct weight loss is the loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

2. Get moving!

Muscles consume energy and help you lose weight. It does not matter what kind of sport you practice. The main thing that made you pleasure.

If you're going to go to the gym, buy a dress in which you look good and where you will be a great feeling.

If you want to run, do not save on the perfect shoes.

If the thought of "doing sports" get goosebumps start to go on long walks, or turn on your favorite music and dance!

Thanks to daily training, not only will extend to your muscles, so you will be able to burn more calories, but your body will be easier to combat stress.

3. Do not count calorie- but Eat healthily

Continuous conversion of calories causes only frustration and obsessive thinking about food. Forget about it. It is better to follow a simple rule: eat what is healthy and healthy is what is the least processed.

4. Do not shop when you're hungry

If you go to the store and you're hungry, you usually feel for everything, and now most of such products, which quickly satisfy your hunger. Then you do not check if what you are buying is healthy, only to throw the cart everything that can quickly eat: chocolate bars, chips, ready meals. Make purchases rationally. Best uses previously prepared a list of shopping. Do not buy products that do not have the list.

5. Reduce stress

Unfortunately, the world is divided into those who are under stress can not eat anything - and they usually remain slim and those who consume huge amounts of stress, especially sweets. The latter, food can reduce the tension. This leads to a vicious circle - I eat because I'm fat, I'm fat because I eat too much. So learn other ways to defuse tension: it can be a sport, massage, swimming

6. Beware of products "light"

Products "light" characterized by the fact that if they are advertised as those having less than "normal" fat content, it contains more carbohydrates and vice versa. Often, buying such products, it ends up that you eat twice as much, apologetically, that if the products are "light" it's not fattening. If you really want to eat products lower in fat, make changes to the daily menu - instead of fry cook steamed or barbecued, pork instead of chicken Eat right, do not add the potatoes, butter, cream, use yogurt instead.

7. Reduce portions

Apply meals on small plates. Eat slowly, savor the food in small bites. Enjoy the color, smell and taste. The body needs about 20 minutes to 'register' satiety. If you eat a meal quickly, in addition distracting attention watching TV you do not see the point at which your stomach is already full.

8. Pamper your body and your soul

You can not weight loss seen as a punishment for having gained weight. On the contrary, if you decide to take care of your body, you should be rewarded for it. Subscribe to a good club not just to torture there, but just to go for massages or use the sauna (of course, on the occasion of handy little exercise). Come out of the house: to the cinema, to the theater, to a concert. The more you busy pleasuring the self, the easier you will forget the pleasure which gives food.

9. Do not use the words "never" and "always"

If you are greedy, are assumptions such as: never again eat sweets do not make sense. Generally, in such cases, people can withstand three days. In addition, when you throw this dream a piece of chocolate or a donut while throwing diet, believing that, and so they are unable to meet and console the next donut or a piece of chocolate, because "once again failed."

The less restrictive assumptions diet, the easier and more likely to get used to a new way of eating. Enter a one or two days where you eat sweets - but specify their number.

10. Visualize, visualize, visualize

Close your eyes and imagine that ALREADY NOW and have reached the dream figure. What is the reaction of your surroundings - friends, acquaintances? What are you wearing? How do you behave? The more you turn your subconscious, the easier and faster to get perfect results.

Apply these ten points, a simple weight loss becomes something normal for you.

Good luck

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