If about 3 months after pregnant you notice that your hair suddenly very lost on the density, you need not worry - this is normal. Hair loss after pregnancy is to provoke a decrease in estrogen levels. This may occur when the loss of up to half the amount of hair, because hair falls out, which remained during pregnancy.
However, after about 8 months after pregnant excessive hair loss should step down, and Their volume back to normal.
What else can cause hair loss after pregnancy?
Hair loss after pregnancy can be caused by anemia (which appears frequently during pregnancy and after pregnancy) or breastfeeding because it produces increased secretion of prolactin by the body, which causes excessive hair loss.
Hair loss after pregnancy - take care of the proper diet
To improve the condition of the hair after pregnancy, you should take care of proper diet. Complete the deficiencies of iron, vitamin B1, eat foods rich in copper (whole grains, nuts, seeds, rice, dried fruits), zinc (it contains beef, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds), consume vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower. Reach more often the germ of cereals (delicious addition to sandwiches) and eat lentils.
It should reach also the appropriate supplements for improving the condition of the hair, apply enhancing supplements (ready or prepared yourself, eg. On the basis of Velcro), to give treatments styling and coloring, which may further weaken the hair and intensify their loss - this will help stop hair loss after pregnancy.
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