Thursday, February 4, 2016

Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Home Remedies For Wrinkles
Protecting skin from the sun
One way to fight wrinkles is to use the appropriate sunscreen during summer sunbathing.

You feel tired of constant war, with wrinkles? Do not give up! There are ways to allow a significant reduction of wrinkles. The best and easiest way to maintain a youthful appearance without surgical intervention is simply a skin care and a healthy lifestyle.

1. Healthy lifestyle and skin condition
Start sports. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, which accelerates the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen directly to thirsty skin. Aerobic exercise affect the functioning of the heart, and the strength "build" muscles that tighten the skin from the inside.

Do not smoke,  do not  stay in a smoky room. Even passive smoking takes valuable skin nutrients and - most importantly - oxygen. Harmful substances also result in an increase in the amount of free radicals in the body, it is a major cause of wrinkles.

2. Diet for wrinkles
Pay attention to what you have on your plate. It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids - water and tea, and eating as many fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about eating fish containing omega-3 (eg. Salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna) three times a week. This anti-wrinkle healthy diet gives your body with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are the best weapon to fight aging.

Avoid heavily processed and "enhanced" foods. Chemicals contained in products artificially corrected negatively affects the body, not giving him the nutrients he needs.

3. Ways to fight wrinkles
Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. If you need to leave the house in sunny weather, wear bright clothes and a hat. Wear sunglasses. They protect delicate and thin skin around the eyes from the harmful effects of UV radiation. Try not to stay in areas with polluted air. Smoke and fumes - they are the main culprits that cause skin aging and wrinkles.

Avoid stress. When we are upset, the body secretes into the bloodstream so. stress hormone - cortisol. With chronic tension can accelerate the aging process of the skin and cause it to become thin and less elastic. Reducing stress depends on your ingenuity - can practice yoga, to write a diary, walk in the fresh air. You will certainly find something that will help you to deal with too great a dose of tension.

Sleep on your back. Sleeping with face touching the pillow causes "dents" in the skin that can turn into wrinkles. In the fight of their formation can also help you choose the right pillow cases, best satin.

4. How to take care of your skin?
Use sunblock. The best are those that are marked with an SPF factor of 30. Choose preparations that will protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation UVA and UVB. Start to apply cosmetics slow down the aging process. It is best to consult with a cosmetologist. Specialist will select the appropriate products for your skin type, which rejuvenate the skin and make wrinkles to reduce. Moisturise, moisturise and moisturise again! Skin needs water, just like you. A good moisturizer will keep it in good condition and prevent drying.

Is the above advice will help you prevent wrinkles? Yes, but the most important is that these simple tips will affect the quality of your life. By following these recommendations, you will simply healthier, and common sense will prevail in the fight against wrinkles

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