Saturday, February 27, 2016

ABS diet - flat stomach diet

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ABS Diet is a 6-week plan that combines diet with adequate training.

The plan focuses on 12 "power foods" that are the base of their diet.

A lot of attention is devoted to building muscle through intense weight training, aerobic exercise and a suitable combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat in each meal.

Establishment flat stomach diet

David Zinczenko, the editor of Men's Health magazine, created a diet ABS in 2004. He presented its founding in stock and his book, The Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life.

Zinchenko was an obese child who grew up to be an obese and unhappy teenager. Secrets of fitness met in the U.S. Naval Reserve, and about proper nutrition began to learn by working in Men's Health.

Despite its name, diet ABS  is not focused exclusively on the stomach.

Exercise helps to get rid of unwanted fat, but not the possibility to burn fat only from a specific area, such as the waist. Diet and exercise program can eliminate fat from the entire body. If in your case the fat is stored around the abdomen, there has just happened most slimming.

ABS diet is designed to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber. Furthermore, it supports the building of muscle tissue and helps to speed up metabolism.

Description diets ABS

According to the author, the diet allows ABS to lose kilograms- primarily tłuszcz- the way to stimulate the construction of the abdominal muscles and the entire body. As a result, it improves endurance, strength, general health, sexual desire and joy of life.

The base diet is 6 guidelines:

Eat 6 meals a day.
Regularly drink healthy beverages and smoothies.
Learn what to drink and what not to drink.
Do not count calories.
Once a week, during one meal you eat everything that you want.
Focus on 12 "power foods".

Diet recommends eating 6 meals a day, allowing you to maintain "energy balance." Researchers at the Georgia State University have discovered that if the hourly calorie consumption amounts to 300 to 500 calories in a given time, the body quickly burns fat and builds muscle mass. To support this rate of fat burning, Zinchenko recommends the following planning meals:

morning snack
afternoon snack
evening snack.

Cocktails and weight loss

Another clue is a regular sipping cocktail, snacks instead of or in place of certain meals.

Cocktails prepare with milk, low-fat and skim yogurt with additives such as:

protein powder,
peanut butter, etc.

Although there is no specific test that clearly would confirm this theory, some scientists think that contained in milk and yogurt calcium promotes weight loss - helps burn fat and reduces the amount of fat produced by the body.

What to drink and what not to drink?

It is recommended to drink eight glasses of water a day.

Water relieves hunger, flushes toxins from the body and helps nourish the muscles.

Other acceptable drinks include:

low-fat milk,
Green tea,
no more than two glasses of diet sodas.

Alcohol is not recommended because it does not support your diet and whets the appetite. In addition, it reduces the body's ability to burn fat and makes the body absorb more fat from food. In addition, it reduces the production of testosterone and growth hormone, which helps burn fat and increase muscle mass.

Calorie counting

Although burning calories are required, Zinchenko said that counting calories makes you lose motivation. Foods allowed in the diet are low-energy and suppress hunger.

In addition, on a diet of ABS, we must "cheat" during one meal a week. The meal should contain foods, whom we miss the most. This helps maintain a good mood and motivation during weight loss.

"12 power foods"

The last guideline emphasizes the 12 foods, which should be based diet. These are:

almonds and nuts (unsalted, unroasted)
beans (except roasted and refined)
green vegetables, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus,
fat-free or low-fat dairy products,
instant oatmeal (unsweetened and unflavoured)
eggs and egg substitutes,
lean meat, turkey, chicken, fish, and beef.
peanut butter,
olive oil,
whole-grain bread and cereals,
protein powder,

Other foods that can be eaten often include almond butter, apples, avocados, bananas, dips bean, brown rice, lean bacon, canola oil, butter, cashew nuts, citrus fruits and citrus juices, edamame, fruit juice (without sugar ), garlic, hummus, lentils, mushrooms, melons, pasta (whole wheat), peaches, peanut oil, peas, peppers (green, yellow and orange), popcorn (no fat), pretzels (whole grains), pumpkin seeds, sesame oil, shellfish soup (broth), sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, beans.

Exercise and training

The ABS diet, adequate exercise are as important as proper nutrition.

This include:

strength training three times a week,
abdominal exercises two or three times a week.
optionally aerobic exercise, two or three times a week.

There are three basic rules for the exercise:

Between strength training, the same muscle group should be at least 48 hours continuously.
One day a week we should not practice at all.
Before the start of each training session, you should warm up by doing light jogging, riding a stationary bike, jumping or doing "compilations."

In addition, the ABS diet is recommended for specific types of training:

The overall strength training - three days a week, with one training focusing specifically on the muscles of the legs.
Cardio workout twice a week between weight training. This includes riding a bike, running, swimming, brisk walking, climbing stairs.
Abdominal exercises (abs) -two or three times a week, before weight training.

Starting a diet and exercise for physically active people

If you already train regularly, you should consider the inclusion of the current training elements ABS, especially in the first few weeks. For optimal results, it is best to modify the workout every 1-2 months to prevent the adaptation of the body to a particular effort.

Abs Diet suggests:

basic training on Mondays and Wednesdays, from one set of abdominal exercises for each of the five parties of the abdominal muscles.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, do 20-30 minutes of cardio.
Friday, do the same workout every Monday and Wednesday, but the abdominal exercises, replace exercises legs.

Abdominal exercises.

The abdominal muscles practice focusing on five areas:

upper abdominal muscles: 12-15 reps,
lower abdominal muscles: 6-12 reps,
oblique abdominal muscles: 10 on each side
transverse abdominal muscles: 5-10 reps,
lower back: 12-15 repetitions.

Examples of exercise on specific parts of the abdomen:

upper abdominal muscles: the traditional crunches, crunches with your feet raised above the ground.
lower abdominal muscles: drawing "eights" straight legs, low to the ground, lying on his back, lifting alternate legs: snap legs with a medicine ball between the knees, lying on his back.
oblique abdominal muscles: "bellies" with a twist tłowia.
transverse abdominals: lying on your back, legs bent and raised, medicine ball between the knees bend and touch the opposite elbow to opposite knee.
lower back, "board", push-ups, etc.

Core Training

This basic exercises that improve muscle strength, posture, shape the silhouette and take care of the spine. They are highly recommended as a complement to strength training in your diet ABS.

Action diet ABS

Abs Diet The main goal is to help people (especially men), in the construction of lean, flat stomach. Diet and training are a great way to get "six-pack" stomach.

Diet promotes a healthy lifestyle, and thus a longer and healthier life.

Prevent disorders and diseases such as:

heart disease,
high blood pressure,
diabetes, and others.

These diseases are common in people who are overweight and obese. Diet also helps the sexual performance of men and women.

The benefits of a diet flat stomach

Excess body fat, especially around the abdomen, is a major factor in increasing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol), diabetes, erectile dysfunction and other diseases.

By reducing or eliminating excess body fat, you can live healthier and longer. The health benefits are even greater when the diet join the regular training.

How can you lose weight on a diet of ABS?

Up to 12 kg in the first two weeks, after about 5-8 kilos in the next two weeks.

What should be considered?

Overall, the diet is healthy and poses no known risks.

Some of the food 12 may contain large amounts of sodium. People who want to reduce salt intake or have high blood pressure should avoid such products.

Because the exercises are an important part of this plan, people with arthritis should discuss your diet with your doctor.

People who are allergic to peanuts or nuts should avoid foods containing these products.

It is difficult to say whether the ABS diet is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. The menu is available in the book does not contain a meatless dishes, but 8 of "12 products under the" do not contain meat and animal products.

All of the protein required in the diet may be obtained by adding beans and pulses, and including tofu, and meat-substitute, which is rich in protein.

What should you ask your doctor?

Am I healthy enough to practice according to the ABS diet plan?
Should I consider supplements?
Are there any contraindications in my case?
Should I make some modifications in your diet?


Because the diet emphasizes rigorous and regular exercise, people with heart disease or other health problems should consult a doctor before starting a diet.

People suffering from allergies should avoid dangerous food for them.

Research on diet ABS

There are no specific tests that confirm that the diet ABS achieves what it promises:

fat burning,
muscle growth,
increased sex drive,
six-pack stomach.

It is also not certain whether the diet helps maintain the coveted weight afterward.

The book contains a lot of anecdotal success stories, but there are no scientific studies that document them.

In an article published in October 2004., Dietitian Maureen Callahan commented assumptions Abs diet, recognizing that it is generally a good diet and a good exercise plan. Questions the promotion of artificial proteins, indicating that a healthy diet, nutrients should come primarily from natural products, not their artificial substitutes.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on exercise for healthy stomach
